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The Liberty Blog

Fighting for Liberty from Home

Posted: 8/10/20

Stuck at home but still wanting to help secure your rights? Willing to fight for liberty from your living room while wearing pajamas? We all work with what we can, right?

You’ve taken your first step. You joined the Texas Republican Liberty Caucus, maybe through a chapter. Maybe you’re pretty far away from a chapter and feeling a little alone. But you’re not really. There’s a hoard of Liberty peeps sitting behind our laptops, scrolling our social media, and trying to find ways to help.

In non-pandemic years, fighting for liberty may include making in-person visits to your local and state representatives, testifying to committees in Austin, attending town-hall meetings, city council meetings, or County Commissioners Court. These days many have moved onto on-line forums… which you can attend on-line.

So the first thing you need to do is go to - that stands for “Who Represents Me” on the Capitol website. That will give you the list from US Congressman, Texas Representative, Texas Senator, State Board of Education, and, of course, your two Texas Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn.

If you live in a city whose council members are elected by district, you can go to your city’s website and find that person too - and the mayor. In your county, you’ll have someone on your Commissioner’s Court, the County Judge, and the Sheriff. These are all elected officials who are tasked with upholding the Constitutions of Texas and the US.

One more thing, go to your Republican Party headquarters (most have websites) or call, and  find out who is your County Chair is, then find your precinct chair. If you don’t have a precinct chair - volunteer to be it. Attend your County meetings. Meet the candidates for various positions. If you find some you like, volunteer to their campaign.

In all, you are becoming more informed.  If something seems hinky, speak up on line in the Texas RLC members forum and ask for help understanding what’s going on.

This forum is also a good place to find out about action items. That’s when you write an email or call the offices of the state or local people trying to tramp on your rights and remind them that they are not our leaders, they are our representatives.

If you live close to one of the chapters, get in touch with them. Find out what kinds of tasks they need help with. Volunteer. 

If you don’t live near a chapter, but have at least four friends who think like you and want to form a chapter, there are links on that will help you do that. So will the state board members.

Good luck to you as you become an informed, involved citizen. We’re here when you need us.